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Food Elves to Visit Franklin Neighborhoods this Holiday Season

Franklin Food Elves Maeve Donohue (L) and Julie Bond (R) volunteer for the 18th annual Franklin Food Elves Campaign.

Write your article here..Franklin area middle and high school students are volunteering to support The Franklin Food Pantry’s annual Food Elves Campaign. Beginning in early December, Food Elves will visit neighborhoods throughout Franklin to solicit monetary donations to support The Pantry’s services and programs. Franklin residents can expect to receive a purple Franklin Food Pantry donation envelope and collection instructions from their neighborhood Food Elf following the Thanksgiving holiday. Residents who do not receive a visit from a Franklin Food Elf by December 8 are encouraged to donate online or mail donations to 341 W. Central Street, Franklin, MA.

“The Food Elves Campaign was launched in 2005, and thanks to the dedication and volunteerism of hundreds of young adults and the generosity of Franklin residents, the program has grown into The Pantry’s largest fundraiser of the year,” said Tina Powderly, Executive Director, Franklin Food Pantry.

The Food Elves Campaign provides valuable opportunities for youth to volunteer. 

For more information about the Franklin Food Elves Campaign or additional volunteer opportunities for young people, please visit