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Franklin - Local Town Pages

FISH of Franklin Celebrates 50 years of Service.

On October 18th, 2023, FISH of Franklin celebrated 50 years of dedicated service to the Franklin community, by providing essential transportation services to those unable to drive themselves to medical appointments. 

The event was held at Dean College, which catered a delicious meal. The blessing was given by Rev. Doreen Oughton, a member of our Board of Directors and Pastor of the Franklin Federated Church. We were honored by Dottie Goddard, who attended as one of the founding members of FISH. Many of our members have been with FISH for over 40 years.

There were speeches given by previous volunteers and our past president, recognizing our volunteers, and thanking those who had traveled from out of state to attend this amazing celebration. The election for new members of the Board of Directors and Slate of Officers was announced and is as follows:

President: Terry Robbins Vice President: Dee Romsey Secretary: Joanne Solomon Treasurer: Mary Ann McCarthy Assistant Treasurer: Sandy Hunter

Our outgoing President, Barbara Steele, who served FISH for over 12 years, was presented with an engraved crystal bowl as a token of her years of service, commitment, and dedication to FISH.

FISH of Franklin has been able to provide these services thanks to the dedication of our compassionate volunteers. If you are 21 years of age or older and can commit to one day a month to host the telephone line or drive a client to their appointment, please call FISH of Franklin at (508)528-2121. Leave a message, and one of our dedicated volunteers will get back to you. 

Even a single day of your time can make a profound difference in the lives of those who need your help the most. Together, we can strengthen the bonds of community, one ride at a time.