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Test Your Trivia Knowledge & Support Franklin Odd Fellows Nov. 12th

The command of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows is to improve and elevate the character of mankind by promoting the principles of friendship, love, truth. We believe that we can make the world a better place by aiding each other, the community, the less fortunate, the youth, the elderly and the environment in every way possible. The Odd Fellows are worldwide in 26 countries.
The Franklin Odd Fellows, William F. Ray Lodge #71, is located at 330 West Central St. and works to provide support to Franklin and surrounding communities.
On November 12, 2023, The Franklin Odd Fellows will be hosting a Trivia Tournament at the Bellingham Sportsman Club as a fundraiser to help us maintain our lodge building. Members have been remaking the entire outer structure of the 98-year-old building and the garage for the past 7 years. The cost of materials is very high and continuous fundraising is the order of the day.
The Franklin Odd Fellows are the founding organization of the Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee that has done so much for our community for the past 15 years in improving an abandoned rail line called the Southern New England Trunkline Trail; and our members continue to hold key positions on the Committee. We donate annually to the rail trail fundraiser road races, and we support the Mass Chapter of the Arthritis Foundation by sponsoring an Annual Fundraiser Cornhole Tournament. Through various events and donations, we also support the Odd Fellows Full Care Nursing Home, the Odd Fellows Children’s Summer Camp, and other local and national foundations. We are currently the Chartering non-profit for a Boy Scout group called Venture Crew 129, and we are working to take on a Cub Scout Pack soon. The hope is that these youth will continue the ideas and practices of the Odd Fellows and continue serving in our communities.
The Fraternal Order has attracted many notable names throughout our country’s rich history. The following have all been Odd Fellows: William Jennings Bryan, Sec of State; Wyatt Earp, Law Officer from the Old Wild West; Robert C. Byrd, U.S. Senator; Charlie Chaplin, Comedic Actor & Film Director; Ulysses S. Grant, 18th U.S. President; Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th U.S. President; Warren G. Harding, 29th U.S. President; Charles Lindbergh, American aviator, author, inventor and social activist; William McKinley, 25th U.S. President; Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd U.S. President. Since 2001, the IOOF fraternity has been fully co-ed and all genders can join Odd Fellows Lodges.
So, join us for an afternoon of trivia, fun and good cheer from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Bellingham Sportsman Club at 360 Lake St., Bellingham, MA 02019.  The event will consist of teams of up to ten players with a registration cost of just $10 per person, and $15 at the door. Team pre-registration and payment is encouraged. Thanks to the Bellingham Sportsman Club, which has worked closely with the Odd Fellows over several past fundraiser projects and continues to be an important partner with our organization.  Get your team of trivia pundits together and register today. There will be raffle prizes available during the event. To pre-register: .