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Ben Franklin Charter School Art Show a Success

Students at all grade levels of the Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public School showcased their creativity at the school’s annual art show.

By Jennifer Russo
The Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter School recently held its annual whole-school art show. The school common area and first floor hallway became a rainbow of color with works that the students in each class had been developing throughout the year. The theme of the show was What Does Art Mean to You. Though on the surface that may seem like a simple question, the way students rose to the challenge of defining it were thoughtful and complex. Those who came to see the galleries were left considering the same question as they navigated through rows of unique interpretations of that answer.
Select projects were showcased by grade (K-8), with mediums ranging from paintings, sculpture, mosaic, drawings, and more. Walking through the maze-like gallery wasn’t only a visual treat but served as inspiration for guests about how to see the world in a more beautiful light. The attention to detail, even from the youngest artists, was truly outstanding.
“There was so much the student artists were able to accomplish,” shared art instructor Nathaly Davis. “Our show began with kindergarten and their self-portraits from the beginning of the year displayed next to their end of the year self-portraits. First graders Colors of Us self-portraits enabled student artists to learn to mix skin tones using red, yellow, brown, and white paints. Second graders explored collage and printmaking and let their imaginations shine with the creation of Art Houses that they built it from the ground up using cardboard.”
While there has been recent debate that art education is more extracurricular than foundational, studies, such as one from the Arts Education Partnership, reveal otherwise. In fact, art has been proven to develop students creative and conceptual thinking, communication, analytical ability, and complements other facets of STEM learning.
“The Visual Arts are an important part of educating the whole child, and it is a Classical Education Pillar of BFCCPS. I was so struck by the pride our students felt in displaying their artwork, and joy they took in celebrating the art that their peers made,” shared Joseph Perna, Head of School.
When entering the space, visitors could take a handful of comment cards to compliment artists on their work, which would later be shared with the artists. It was an excellent way to let the children know that about their work was appreciated and foster confidence.
“Third grade students showed their capabilities through one-point perspective drawings and abstract dinosaurs inspired by artist Jean Michel Basquiat,” said Ms. Davis. “Fourth graders integrated math into their art by learning how to create their own tessellations (artwork with repeating patterns on a geometric plane), and also created mini museums showcasing a variety of famous artists at a small scale.”
“Sixth graders explored emotions and created paper mache masks to represent them. Our oldest students, the seventh and eighth graders, took on the single prompt of turning the necessary 7 Elements of Art (balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity, and movement) into an art creation,” Ms. Davis shared.
Ms. Davis shared concluding thoughts on the show’s success. “This show was a huge undertaking as a first-year art teacher. I am so proud of all my student artists for their efforts and creativity. I am a firm believer that everyone is an artist in their own way. To my students, please never lose your imagination.”
The Charter school is made up of students from Franklin and its surrounding towns, including Bellingham, Wrentham, Blackstone, Medway, Milford and more.