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Cultural District Investment Fund Grants Awarded

In fall, 2024, the Massachusetts Cultural Council awarded the Franklin Cultural District Committee a $15,000 Cultural District Investment Grant. This grant, one of several awarded to state-sponsored cultural districts, is intended to infuse new arts and culture activities and to attract creative businesses to the cultural districts. The Franklin Cultural District Committee voted to reserve a portion of the grant funds for FCDC-directed work and offer the remainder, in the form of grants,  to Franklin arts and culture organizations. 
The Franklin Cultural District Committee (FCDC) is honored to announce the grants made possible by MCC Cultural District Investment Grant funds. The FCDC, in concert with the Town of Franklin Department of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy, offers its sincere congratulations to all who received a grant. The FCDC looks forward to seeing these grant-funded initiatives come to life through performances, events, and more. The FCDC gratefully acknowledges the MCC and its generous grant that made these local grants possible, appreciates the leadership of the Franklin Department of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy, and recognizes the continued support of the Town of Franklin.
Below, please find a list of funded grants. Some of these events will take place in the late spring or early summer. As a result, information pertaining to the grant-funded activity may not appear on the website until closer to the date. However, many of the organizations have other events and activities that may be of interest at this time.
Franklin Art Association: To contribute toward the cost of “Fakes and Forgeries” event during June 2025. ($400)
Children’s Museum of Franklin: To add a mural to the back wall of the Museum, currently under construction. The mural will be created by a local artist. ($600)
Franklin Farmers Market: To provide entertainment at the Franklin Farmers Market during June 2025. ($1,100)
Franklin Historical Commission: A second and expanded presentation of “A Community Rediscovery of Ideas, Literature, and the Shared Gift of Language. ” This month-long presentation celebrates the life and many contributions of Franklin’s namesake, Dr. Benjamin Franklin. ($1,100)
Franklin LGBTQ Alliance: To subsidize a small portion of the costs associated with the June Celebrate with Pride festival. ($1,030)
Franklin Performing Arts Company: To subsidize a small portion of the costs associated with the June 6 – 8, 2025 performance of Little Women at THE BLACK BOX.($1,100)
Franklin Public Library: 
• A concert by the Boston Typewriter Orchestra, April 2025. ($750) 
• A concert by the Blackstone Valley String Quartet, performing the music of Taylor Swift. ($600) 
Franklin Public Schools, JFK and Parmenter Elementary Schools: To bring music, dance, the arts and more cultural diversity to JF Kennedy and Parmenter Schools (where Ms. MacMurray is the music faculty member). ($1,000)
Franklin Public Schools Music Department, and the Franklin Public Schools: To contribute toward the purchase of needed quality string instruments to rebuild and strengthen middle school string program. ($2,120)
In addition to the funds associated with these ten grants, the FCDC reserved $5,200 to fund three projects to be overseen by the FCDC. The committee-directed projects are:
• Porchfest 2025, to contribute to the cost of the Porchfest website, police detail and insurance. ($3,500)
• Artsy Boxes, to provide for maintenance of the artwork of current Artsy Boxes. ($1,200)
• Collaborative Musicians, to compensate musicians performing at community events. ($500)
Information about these and other and Culture happenings is shared weekly in the Cultural District Newsletter.