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Franklin - Local Town Pages

With Override Question Looming, Town Amps Budget Transparency Joint Budget Subcommittee Schedules Six “Listening Sessions” to Inform Taxpayers

By J.D. O’Gara
Franklin’s Joint Budget Subcommittee has scheduled a “Listening Tour” aimed at informing as many residents as possible of exactly what is going into the town budget and any determination of a request for an override vote. The sessions began on January 30th last month and will continue into March at various locations and times throughout Franklin.
“We wanted to be very transparent about the budget process, and we wanted to get information to as much of the community as we could possibly reach,” says Tom Mercer, member of Franklin’s Joint Budget Subcommittee, adding, “We wanted to get out of Council Chambers trying to attract a cross section of the community as we proceed with the budget process. I’m just hopeful that these listening sessions we have, that people will come out and ask their questions, so that they can get factual answers.”
At press time, said Mercer, the town was still waiting on figures from the Governor’s office, which were due in late January, early February. 
“I encourage every resident of the town that is interested in the town’s budget matters to attend any one of these meetings. We are holding them in various parts of the community and in different venues, at different times to give everyone an opportunity to have their voices heard, ask questions and share their feelings and thoughts.” said Jamie Hellen.