Energize Franklin Energized to Be Part of Harvest Festival

It seems like only yesterday the Energize Franklin team was enjoying the start of summer weather at the annual Strawberry Stroll. The team recalls the wonderful opportunity to chat with so many of their Franklin community members and have kids explore solar and wind energy at their table. As summer turns to fall, they’re looking forward to more opportunities to connect at the Harvest Festival! The seasons are changing, and the Energize Franklin team believes it’s the perfect time to make a sustainable change in your life. Whether folks start small with changing to LED bulbs or are taking the leap with a home energy upgrade or electric or hybrid vehicle, the Energize Franklin team would love to help you with that journey.
Come and join them on September 28th from 12-5 p.m. at the Franklin Downtown Partnership’s Harvest Festival. Energize Franklin will have sustainable energy activities again for kids to try out, and they’d love to chat with their adults about sustainable shifts folks are considering. No shift is too small! You’ll even be able to check out their website from the festival table. People can check out EnergizeFranklin.org in advance for tips and testimonials from the local community.
Here’s some of their sustainable yard care ideas for this fall:
• Fall is the ideal time to fertilize your yard for the coming growing season. Leave some clippings when you cut your grass this fall or mulch leaves in place with your mower to help provide natural nutrients to your lawn.
• Before you add additional fertilizers, test your soil to see what nutrients it might need. This way, you’re only providing what’s actually needed. Consider natural or organic fertilizer options, such as the ones mentioned above.
• You can move excess leaves to perennial garden beds to help support beneficial insects, pollinators, and earthworms in your garden come springtime.
• When overseeding your yard, consider native grasses.
• Fall is also a good time to aerate your lawn. You can rent aerator equipment from a hardware store or hire a service to do it for you. Not only does aeration help keep your lawn healthy, but it also helps absorb water and reduce run-off and pollutant transport.