Franklin Honors Purple Heart Recipients

Franklin Purple Heart recipient Robert Gardner is shown here with Congressman Jake Auchincloss on August 7th, Purple Heart Day, at the special Franklin Veterans Coffee Social.
By J.D. O’Gara
On Wednesday, August 7th, the Franklin Veterans Services Office celebrated Purple Heart Day at its Veterans Coffee Hour at the Franklin Senior Center, catered by Starbucks.
The Purple Heart Medal is awarded to members of the U.S. armed forces who are wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy, and posthumously to the next of kin in the name of those who are killed in action or die of wounds received in action. It is specifically a combat decoration. Franklin is designated a Purple Heart Community.
After Veterans Services Officer Shannon Nisbett welcomed the group with a brief introduction, U.S. Congressman Jake Auchincloss spoke to the group, which included Purple Heart recipients and family members of Purple Heart recipients.
Auchincloss commended “the Town of Franklin for becoming a Purple Heart Community … I think it’s an important way for a town to show respect for the 64 known Purple Heart recipients that you have in the town of Franklin and the 45 deceased Purple Heart recipients, those who have given of themselves for this country, for this constitution, in times of combat.”
Auchincloss recognized the bravery of the Purple Heart recipients who attended the event, including Richard Douglas, (US Marines, Vietnam), Roger Gilbert (US Army, Vietnam), Robert Gardner (US Army, Vietnam) and Gerald Brady (US Army, Korea).
Following Auchincloss’ remarks, Rayna Nisbett performed “Wind Beneath my Wings,” for the group.
Over the past few months, Franklin’s Veterans’ organizations, the Edward L. Grant American Legion Post 75, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3402, under the auspices of the Town’s Veterans Council, have developed a program to further honor those town members who sacrificed their lives for our nation.
That program will continue this month, honoring the following:
• September 9 - David Bullukian - WWII
• September 18 - Levi Pieri - WWI
• September 21- Lawrence E. Garron, Jr. – Vietnam, and Alfred L. Mucciarone - WWI
• September 25 - Frank J. Smith - WWI
This program will include the placing of a Memorial Wreath for the day at the town’s Veterans Memorial on the Franklin Town Common, the playing of “Taps,” a salute from those present, and a reading of whatever history we may have on that veteran. This is a way of keeping the memory of that veteran alive.
Families of the veterans, if known, are invited to attend the 9 a.m. ceremony.
The public is invited to attend these ceremonies to honor those who gave their lives.
Franklin’s military organizations support numerous veterans’ activities and encourage all veterans in town to join them.