Franklin Residents Urged to Mail Checks inside Post Office FPD & Postal Inspection Investigating Check Thefts from Blue Mail Boxes

On August 7th, Franklin Police noted on its Facebook page that the Franklin Police Department Detectives and the Postal Inspection Service are currently investigating multiple check thefts from outside blue mail drop boxes including the outside drop box at the Main Street Post Office.
A Postal Employee was robbed of a key to these boxes. As a result, several residents have placed checks to be mailed in these boxes. The suspects in this case have been opening the boxes, taking all of their contents, finding checks, and washing them. This means they are changing the checks in value and who they are deposited to. They then deposit these checks resulting in people being out thousands of dollars via this check scam.
Residents and people using the Main Street Post Office are advised to use caution if using the outside drop box. If you can, use the box inside the Post Office or consider sending checks and other important mail a different way. If you see suspicious activity around the post office you’re encouraged to call (508) 528-1212 or if you believe it’s an emergency 911.