The b.LUXE beauty beat November Beauty Beat - Give the gift she really wants!

By Gina Woelfel
It’s hard to believe it’s November already. Fall is in full swing with our steps bedecked with pumpkins and mums. Last month’s foliage was a gift, bursting with bright pops of yellow, red and orange. Fall is a time of comfort, gatherings and warm evenings spent together. With just three weeks away from the holiday craziness, why not tuck in, relax and plan your enjoyment.
In last month’s beauty beat we talked about the importance of scheduling and how time is more precious than ever before. What are some things you could do this month that would put more time in your pocket, time to regroup, visit family, support your community and breathe easier through this typically chaotic season?

We’re sure you’ve all heard of the shopping crisis about to unfold. Holiday gift giving could be a nightmare with supply-chain backups, social distancing and perhaps the all-around exhaustion that comes with adding more “do’s” to our “to-do” list.
bLUXE would like to offer a suggestion: choose easy this season.
You have 24 hours in a day:
• 7 hours to sleep (if you’re lucky!)
• 8 hours of work (again, if you’re lucky!)
• 3 hours with your kids, managing homework and their activities
• 2 hours of shopping, errands, calls and scheduling
• 2 hours of meal prep, cleaning and don’t forget bedtime stories
That’s 22 hours of “to-do’s” a day…See where I’m going with this?
That’s just two hours left of free, unscheduled time.

What can you do to stretch out your two hours? What can you ditch from your schedule for more “you” time and more family time? Because after almost two years of pandemic life, choose easy this season.
Here’s a few suggestions:
Order in one (or two) meals a week. That’s two hours you just gave yourself to pull family together, eat pizza and laugh about your day. It also supports your local food community!
Fifteen minutes before you drive your kids to school, take your coffee to your car, lock the doors and chill. Why? It’s climate controlled, relatively sound-proof, and comes with a built-in entertainment system to play your favorite podcast or meditation. Start your day right and drive your littles freshly caffeinated and zenned for success.
And lastly, shopping! With so many online options, it’s a no-brainer! Businesses are offering some of the best deals of the year this holiday season - especially local businesses!
Check out this season’s gift-giving deals from b.LUXE Hair + Makeup Studio!
They’ll add time to your schedule and money back in your pocket!
BUY 10 GIFT CERTIFICATES • GET 1 FREE ($50 or higher)
These are perfect for teachers, employees, and group gifts. With hair, makeup, skincare, tanning and grooming services offered, there’s a gift certificate for everyone on your list!
Buy in-studio or over the phone for physical gift cards or scan the QR code below to purchase your 10 e-gift cards together (e-gift cards must be bulk purchased at the same time, in one transaction. Once your order has been processed, the salon will contact you and mail you your 11th gift card!)
bLUXE BEAUTY BOX SERIES - Give the gift she really wants! Available for shipment or in-studio purchase, your specially priced gift box arrives festively packaged and filled with our premium products, services and swag!
Beauty Box BASICS $50
Red Hot BEAUTY BOX $100
Lush Lash + Lip BEAUTY BOX $200
Ultimate BEAUTY BOX $300
bLUXE GIFT BOXES - 3 LUXE boxes to choose from - Included in each are some of our favorite products to add a bit of luxury to your at-home experience.
GM COLLIN skincare routine
Be pout-perfect this winter
The ultimate bath experience